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J-B Weld Extra Strength Epoxy Syringes 0.85 oz
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J-B Weld Extra Strength Epoxy Syringes 0.85 oz

J-B Weld is The Original Cold-Weld two-part epoxy system that provides strong, lasting repairs to metal and multiple surfaces. Mixed at a ratio of 1:1, it forms a permanent bond and can be shaped, tapped, filed, sanded and drilled after curing. At room temperature, J-B Weld sets in 4-6 hours to a dark grey color. Full cure is reached in 15-24 hours. J-B Weld …
J-B Weld is The Original Cold-Weld two-part epoxy system that provides strong, lasting repairs to metal and multiple surfaces. Mixed at a ratio of 1:1, it forms a permanent bond and can be shaped, tapped, filed, sanded and drilled after curing. At room temperature, J-B Weld sets in 4-6 hours to a dark grey color. Full cure is reached in 15-24 hours. J-B Weld has a tensile strength of 5020 PSI and sets to a hard bond overnight. It can withstand temperatures up to 550 degrees Fahrenheit when fully cured
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J-B Weld is The Original Cold-Weld two-part epoxy system that provides strong, lasting repairs to metal and multiple surfaces. Mixed at a ratio of 1:1, it forms a permanent bond and can be shaped, tapped, filed, sanded and drilled after curing. At room temperature, J-B Weld sets in 4-6 hours to a dark grey color. Full cure is reached in 15-24 hours. J-B Weld has a tensile strength of 5020 PSI and sets to a hard bond overnight. It can withstand temperatures up to 550 degrees Fahrenheit when fully cured