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Fox Farm Soil & Fert 1.5 cu ft Salamander Soil Potting Soil
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  • Good water holding capacity
  • Moisture-holding
  • Works well for vacations
  • Easy to use

Fox Farm Soil & Fert 1.5 cu ft Salamander Soil Potting Soil

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This soil is highly rated for its ability to hold water and is a great value for the price. It is also very good at keeping moisture in the soil and can be used to prevent mice from sticking to it.
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Be an owner of a healthy garden today with the help of the most amazing bio active soil! The Salamander soil is a great go-to item for rooted cuttings and beginnings for young plants in both indoor and outdoor cultivation. Key Product Features Seedlings and plants will have access to the nectar of the life giving properties moisture mix provid…
Be an owner of a healthy garden today with the help of the most amazing bio active soil! The Salamander soil is a great go-to item for rooted cuttings and beginnings for young plants in both indoor and outdoor cultivation. Key Product Features Seedlings and plants will have access to the nectar of the life giving properties moisture mix provides. Supports plants that are grown in hot climates that need an extra thirst quench. Keeps your plants vigorous, and relaxed, preventing them from drying out. Be sure to provide the right amount of water to your plants depending on type of the species you've planted and the temperature of the atmosphere they're in. Enhances nutrient uptake. Black and rich with nutrients the Salamander soil can be utilized for all of your gardening needs. Maybe youre thinking you dont really need a thick, water retaining soil? No problem, simply just mix it in with vermiculite (a puffed natural mineral) and it will help you to aerate the plants soil. Best used when you plant directly into the potting mix, and under the right conditions to allow the beneficial micro- organisms to do their job for your plants. Remember to keep your living conditions in mind. If you live in a dry, hot, area the Salamander soil will do great for giving your plants the extra thirst quench that theyll need. If you live in a more damp, wet, area maybe water your garden or plants lightly so that they dont suffer. The soil made specifically for you, so you can live your life at ease!
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Contenido generado por inteligencia artificial
This soil is highly rated for its ability to hold water and is a great value for the price. It is also very good at keeping moisture in the soil and can be used to prevent mice from sticking to it.


  • Good water holding capacity
  • Moisture-holding
  • Works well for vacations
  • Easy to use


  • Overpriced
  • Short water retention
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Be an owner of a healthy garden today with the help of the most amazing bio active soil! The Salamander soil is a great go-to item for rooted cuttings and beginnings for young plants in both indoor and outdoor cultivation. Key Product Features Seedlings and plants will have access to the nectar of the life giving properties moisture mix provides. Supports plants that are grown in hot climates that need an extra thirst quench. Keeps your plants vigorous, and relaxed, preventing them from drying out. Be sure to provide the right amount of water to your plants depending on type of the species you've planted and the temperature of the atmosphere they're in. Enhances nutrient uptake. Black and rich with nutrients the Salamander soil can be utilized for all of your gardening needs. Maybe youre thinking you dont really need a thick, water retaining soil? No problem, simply just mix it in with vermiculite (a puffed natural mineral) and it will help you to aerate the plants soil. Best used when you plant directly into the potting mix, and under the right conditions to allow the beneficial micro- organisms to do their job for your plants. Remember to keep your living conditions in mind. If you live in a dry, hot, area the Salamander soil will do great for giving your plants the extra thirst quench that theyll need. If you live in a more damp, wet, area maybe water your garden or plants lightly so that they dont suffer. The soil made specifically for you, so you can live your life at ease!


Package Size34 Lb
Warning TextProposition 65 Reasons:titanium Dioxide, Other Chemicals
Manufacturer Part Number591105