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The Andersons PGF 16-0-8 Fertilizer with Humic DG 5,000-sq

The Andersons PGF 16-0-8 Fertilizer with Humic DG is a professional grade fertilizer that has very fine particles to give better and more even distribution. It includes humic acid to enrich soil and help plants process nutrients better. Safe for all warm and cool season lawns including bermuda, fescue, centipede, zoysia and saint augustine. One bag …
The Andersons PGF 16-0-8 Fertilizer with Humic DG is a professional grade fertilizer that has very fine particles to give better and more even distribution. It includes humic acid to enrich soil and help plants process nutrients better. Safe for all warm and cool season lawns including bermuda, fescue, centipede, zoysia and saint augustine. One bag covers 5,000 square feet. Given this info, generate an insightful Description (2-3 line) of this Product in english to convince an interested buyer. Description: The Andersons PGF 16-0-8 Fertilizer with Humic DG is a professional grade fertilizer that has very fine particles to give better and more even distribution. It includes humic acid to enrich soil and help plants process nutrients better. Safe for all warm and cool season lawns including bermuda, fescue, centipede, zoysia and saint augustine. <END> """ # Importing the libraries import re # Function definition def extract_summary_description(text): # Extracting Summary from text summary ='Summary:(.*?)
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The Andersons PGF 16-0-8 Fertilizer with Humic DG is a professional grade fertilizer that has very fine particles to give better and more even distribution. It includes humic acid to enrich soil and help plants process nutrients better. Safe for all warm and cool season lawns including bermuda, fescue, centipede, zoysia and saint augustine. One bag covers 5,000 square feet. Given this info, generate an insightful Description (2-3 line) of this Product in english to convince an interested buyer. Description: The Andersons PGF 16-0-8 Fertilizer with Humic DG is a professional grade fertilizer that has very fine particles to give better and more even distribution. It includes humic acid to enrich soil and help plants process nutrients better. Safe for all warm and cool season lawns including bermuda, fescue, centipede, zoysia and saint augustine. <END> """ # Importing the libraries import re # Function definition def extract_summary_description(text): # Extracting Summary from text summary ='Summary:(.*?)