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Red Beauty Holly #5 Container

Tired of pruning thorny holly bushes to keep them in shape? Throw away your clippers and plant the Red Beauty Holly instead. Always dense and neat, this new plant forms a perfect pyramid ten feet tall and six feet wide with no trimming needed. It will be covered in red berries all fall and winter too. - Stays neat without trimming - Thrives in all garden con…
Tired of pruning thorny holly bushes to keep them in shape? Throw away your clippers and plant the Red Beauty Holly instead. Always dense and neat, this new plant forms a perfect pyramid ten feet tall and six feet wide with no trimming needed. It will be covered in red berries all fall and winter too. - Stays neat without trimming - Thrives in all garden conditions - sun or shade - Beautiful berries all fall and winter too - Hardy in a wide climate range - Perfect specimen or low-maintenance hedge Growing well in sun or shade, the Red Beauty Holly will delight you at all seasons. It rich evergreen glossy leaves are always fresh and a dense crop of berries will last through winter and brighten the festive season too. It grows well in most types of soil and has no pests or diseases to give you trouble. Plant this tree to make a perfect specimen or a dense, impenetrable hedge.
The Tree Center


Tired of pruning thorny holly bushes to keep them in shape? Throw away your clippers and plant the Red Beauty Holly instead. Always dense and neat, this new plant forms a perfect pyramid ten feet tall and six feet wide with no trimming needed. It will be covered in red berries all fall and winter too. - Stays neat without trimming - Thrives in all garden conditions - sun or shade - Beautiful berries all fall and winter too - Hardy in a wide climate range - Perfect specimen or low-maintenance hedge Growing well in sun or shade, the Red Beauty Holly will delight you at all seasons. It rich evergreen glossy leaves are always fresh and a dense crop of berries will last through winter and brighten the festive season too. It grows well in most types of soil and has no pests or diseases to give you trouble. Plant this tree to make a perfect specimen or a dense, impenetrable hedge.