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Peony Roots - Red Sarah Bernhardt - 1 Root, Eden Brothers

In her true dramatic style, Red Sarah Bernhardt is not red at all, but deep fuchsia-purple! This superior peony boasts numerous sturdy stems perfectly equipped to uphold its profusion of large, exquisite blooms. Sporting an elegant upright habit, it showcases fully double, seven to eight-inch blooms in a rich purple-cerise hue, exuding a delightful fr…
In her true dramatic style, Red Sarah Bernhardt is not red at all, but deep fuchsia-purple! This superior peony boasts numerous sturdy stems perfectly equipped to uphold its profusion of large, exquisite blooms. Sporting an elegant upright habit, it showcases fully double, seven to eight-inch blooms in a rich purple-cerise hue, exuding a delightful fragrance. A stunning addition to springtime arrangements, Red Sarah Bernhardt has rightfully earned its popularity as a sought-after cut flower. | Peony Roots - Red Sarah Bernhardt - 1 Root, Eden Brothers
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Eden Brothers
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In her true dramatic style, Red Sarah Bernhardt is not red at all, but deep fuchsia-purple! This superior peony boasts numerous sturdy stems perfectly equipped to uphold its profusion of large, exquisite blooms. Sporting an elegant upright habit, it showcases fully double, seven to eight-inch blooms in a rich purple-cerise hue, exuding a delightful fragrance. A stunning addition to springtime arrangements, Red Sarah Bernhardt has rightfully earned its popularity as a sought-after cut flower. | Peony Roots - Red Sarah Bernhardt - 1 Root, Eden Brothers