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30 habits that can cause aging
There is a worldwide obsession with looking youthful. It's a billion dollar industry, and it just keeps growing. However, ...
30歲過後,明明相同年齡,為何她老得慢?都說女人保養要趁早,切忌到了臉上皺紋出現、皮膚鬆弛,才會驚覺自己真的「老了」。「凍齡」秘訣不外乎保養,熟齡肌膚保養在於「內調外養 ...
Unveiling the undeniable connection between lifestyle choices and the acceleration of the aging process, we bring to light twelve detrimental habits that contribute to premature aging. From neglecting ...
Life is full of risks, but some are just plain reckless—like juggling knives. These kinds of dangers are better left ...
Some habits cause us to age faster, shortening our lifespans and making it more difficult to stay active and involved. Here are 7 to avoid. Although some components of aging can’t be altered, like ...
Osteoporosis is caused by a lack of calcium and vitamin D, as well as limiting dietary intake, alcohol, carbonated and soft drinks. Excessive salt consumption can cause hypertension (high blood ...
【明報專訊】韓媒昨日報道,曾為《回答吧!1988》、《W-兩個世界》及《單戀原聲帶》等韓劇唱插曲的女歌手朴寶藍,前晚與兩名女友人在京畿道南楊州市家中飲酒,其後被發現倒臥洗手間內 ...
The young disruptors, innovators and entrepreneurs on our annual listing of the 30 under 30 are impatient to change the world. In each of 15 categories, ranging from energy to Hollywood, Forbes ...
EXERCISE is a staple in many weekly routines, but some workout mistakes may be ruining your skin. An aesthetics pro shared several ways you're causing premature aging and other issues with your ...