Jack Dorsey resigned from the board of his social networking startup, Bluesky — even as he gave an impromptu endorsement Elon Musk’s X, calling it “freedom technology”. Dorsey revealed his ...
Twitter 在被 Elon Musk 收購後,一些不滿的用家紛紛離開 Twitter 另覓新平台,Bluesky 就是其中之一,而 Twitter 創辦人 Jack Dorsey 雖然最初是 Bluesky 董事會成員,但最近宣佈退出,並表示 Bluskey 正在 ...
Dorsey 證實自己正在資助 Nostr,另一間類似去中心化 Twitter 的服務。他承認 Nostr 目前還很早期並不好用,但能真正實現言論自由。 上週 Bluesky 證實 Twitter 創辦人 Jack Dorsey 已離開董事會,當時並 ...
(Bloomberg) -- Jack Dorsey has left the board of social networking service Bluesky, which he helped fund and popularize a year ago in the wake of regret over the sale of Twitter to Elon Musk.
Twitter創辦人Jack Dorsey稍早接受訪談時表示,自己離開Bluesky的原因,在於認為Bluesky正在重蹈過去曾於Twitter犯下錯誤。 Jack Dorsey表示,過去Twitter有太多使用規範、內容審核,甚至受限於廣告業務及 ...
Twitter創辦人Jack Dorsey稍早接受訪談時表示,自己離開Bluesky的原因,在於認為Bluesky正在重蹈過去曾於Twitter犯下錯誤。 Jack Dorsey表示,過去Twitter有太多 ...
Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey praised the platform he founded, now known as X, as “freedom technology” on Saturday, shortly after revealing he was no longer serving on the board of directors ...
Bluesky, the decentralised Twitter, loses the most well-known member of its board: Jack Dorsey. This development raises doubts for the future of the network. The service, which only launched in beta ...
Twitter co-founder and early Bluesky backer Jack Dorsey has left the board of the decentralized social media platform. Jack Dorsey backed and funded Bluesky when he was Twitter’s CEO; now, he’s left ...
Jack Dorsey (picture) has left the board of social networking service Bluesky, which he helped fund and popularize a year ago in the wake of regret over the sale of Twitter to Elon Musk. The Twitter ...