In Venus' upper atmosphere, hydrogen atoms, orange, whiz into space, leaving behind carbon monoxide molecules, blue and purple. Credit: Aurore Simonnet/LASP/CU Boulder. It should not be surprising ...
Venus, often referred to as Earth's twin planet, was once home to water. However, a chemical reaction known as HCO+ dissociative recombination led to the evaporation and escape of this water into ...
"Evidence for activity, even in the lower-resolution Magellan data, supercharges the potential to revolutionize our ...
In a recent study, published in Nature Astronomy, a group of planetary scientists at Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” ...
Astronomers have again discovered evidence of recent volcanic activity on Earth's sister planet in data from the 1990s ...
Scientists have found new evidence of volcanic activity reshaping the surface of Venus, which could even suggest that its activity rivals that of present day Earth. Back in 2023, scientists ...
WASHINGTON, May 28 (Reuters) - Venus appears to be more volcanically active than previously known, according to scientists whose new analysis of decades-old radar images has spotted evidence of ...
Recent findings of a Venus-like planet, Gliese 12 b, enhance our search for life-supporting planets, providing a closer look ...
Researchers find ancient crystals that appear to show that Earth had freshwater earlier than what was first thought, ...
Scientists have found new evidence of volcanic activity reshaping the surface of Venus, which could even suggest that its activity rivals that of present day Earth. Back in 2023, scientists analysing ...