Following campus protests, UCLA police chief John Thomas was reassigned Monday, and Gawin Gibson is now acting chief of the ...
Chief John Thomas learned that he'd been reassigned Monday. The move comes weeks after the police force faced criticism for ...
The police chief at the University of California, Los Angeles, has been reassigned following criticism over his handling of recent campus demonstrations that included a mob attacking a pro-Palestinian ...
Three weeks after law enforcement cleared a massive pro-Palestinian encampment from the UCLA campus and arrested more than ...
As a House committee holds a new hearing on the social unrest on college campuses, UCLA leader Gene Block outlines new steps ...
Pro-Palestinian activists rekindled protests on campus and briefly built a new encampment, then occupied buildings.
As UCLA Chancellor Gene Block sat in Washington D.C. defending his record on campus antisemitism before Congress on Thursday ...
The police chief at the University of California, Los Angeles, has been reassigned following criticism over his handling of recent campus demonstrations that included a mob attacking a pro ...