EU urges Georgia to withdraw ‘Foreign Agents’ bill per Venice Commission ... "We urge the authorities to heed this ...
On May 27, Seven Speakers of Parliaments of the European states shared a letter they had sent on May 24 to the Speaker of the Georgian Parliament, Shalva Papuashvili, calling for the withdrawal of the ...
EU foreign ministers will discuss potential sanctions and other actions against Georgia if the controversial foreign agent law is passed. The new law, criticized for targeting civil society and ...
The next several months will show the prospects for Georgia's integration into the European Union (EU). This was noted in a ...
The United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Sunday wished citizens of Georgia a happy Independence Day by ...
The Georgian parliament passed a law to tighten checks on non-governmental organizations funded from abroad despite mass protests and a presidential veto, dismaying critics and leading the EU to ...
“The EU has a direct interest in the preservation of the status quo in the Taiwan Strait,” the European body said in a statement. “We oppose any unilateral actions that change the status quo ...
Georgia's parliament has passed a controversial foreign agent law that could jeopardise its path to EU membership. The new ...
TBILISI, Georgia — The Georgian parliament on Tuesday voted to adopt a controversial new law that would brand Western-backed NGOs and media outlets as “foreign agents,” marking a dramatic escalation ...
Georgia's parliament is about to pass a controversial bill on foreign funds that could jeopardize its path to EU membership. The new law requires all organisations – media included – receiving ...
Welcome to Wider Europe, RFE/RL's newsletter focusing on the key issues concerning the European Union, NATO, and other institutions and their relationships with the Western Balkans and Europe's ...