STORY: The European Union urged Georgia on Wednesday to withdraw its highly contested "foreign agents" bill as protests against the legislation continued in the capital Tblisi, bringing traffic in ...
BRUSSELS/TBILISI - The European Union urged Georgia on May 15 to withdraw its highly contested "foreign agents" Bill, saying the measure would set back the nation's ambitions to join the bloc, as ...
TBILISI/BRUSSELS, May 15 (Reuters) - The European Union urged Georgia on Wednesday to withdraw its controversial "foreign agents" law and warned that the measure would set back the country's ...
Georgia faced a blizzard of international condemnation Wednesday as the EU, NATO and UN slammed the adoption of a ...
Georgia’s parliament on Tuesday (28 May) overruled a presidential veto and adopted its controversial ‘foreign agent’ law, ...
On May 27, Seven Speakers of Parliaments of the European states shared a letter they had sent on May 24 to the Speaker of the Georgian Parliament, Shalva Papuashvili, calling for the withdrawal of the ...
The next several months will show the prospects for Georgia's integration into the European Union (EU). This was noted in a ...
The United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Sunday wished citizens of Georgia a happy Independence Day by ...
Georgia's parliament has passed a controversial foreign agent law that could jeopardise its path to EU membership. The new ...
Georgia signed controversial "foreign influence" legislation into law on Monday, prompting its pro-European opposition to vow ...
Georgia's parliament has passed a controversial foreign agent law that could jeopardise its path to EU membership. The new law requires media organisations and NGOs to register as foreign agents ...
President of the Riigikogu Lauri Hussar (Eesti 200) with speakers from six EU parliaments sent a joint letter to their ...