President Biden late Monday signed a bipartisan bill that bans U.S. imports of Russian uranium for use in nuclear fuel.
【彭博】-- 美國參議院周二晚上投票通過了禁止從俄羅斯進口濃縮鈾的法案,並將該法案發送給白宮。此前白宮已表示支持這項阻止克里姆林宮運送反應堆燃料的舉措。 經一致同意通過的《禁止 ...
A U.S. ban on imports of enriched uranium from Russia will take effect on Aug. 11, the Department of Energy said on Tuesday.
President Biden late Monday signed a bipartisan bill that bans U.S. imports of Russian uranium for use in nuclear fuel. National security adviser Jake Sullivan said in a statement that the move ...
The prohibition on the import of Russian uranium will come into effect 90 days after the enactment of the bill.
Ban, to begin in about 90 days, is White House’s latest effort to apply pressure on Vladimir Putin over his invasion of ...
The White House announced that President Joe Biden signed a law banning Russian enriched uranium on Monday (May 13), marking ...
The White House has called for a "long-term ban" on Russian imports, which is needed to unblock about $2.7 billion in support for the domestic uranium industry granted by Congress earlier this year.