Renewable energy generated a record 30% of global electricity in 2023, driven by growth in solar and wind. Think-tank Ember, ...
China solidified its dominance in the global wind turbine market, with Chinese manufacturers capturing 65% of global wind ...
CHINA is spewing less carbon into the atmosphere for the first time since the pandemic ended, signalling that the world’s ...
A record amount of new wind energy generation capacity was installed worldwide during 2023, according to the Global Wind ...
The latest government installation figures reveal a slower start to the year for the United Kingdom, with small-scale ...
The race to install battery storage is heating up, with four powers fighting for dominance as costs fall and the need for ...
A 2023 peak in China’s CO2 emissions is possible if the buildout of clean energy sources is kept at the record levels seen ...
Grant Gunter, Gary Germeroth, and Derek HasBrouck discuss the latest National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) ...
China’s carbon dioxide emissions fell in March for the first time since its economy reopened after pandemic restrictions, suggesting the country’s emissions may have peaked, according to a new ...
Renewables capacity in the Middle East is set to soar in the coming years, with green energy sources outpacing fossil fuel ...
Data for March indicates world's largest emitter could have achieved a landmark peak in its CO2 emissions seven years early, ...