The Department of Justice (DOJ) has identified and indicted a senior leader of the Russia-based LockBit ransomware group as the U.S. government continues its pursuit of those involved in the group ...
The Department of Justice (DOJ) has identified and indicted a senior leader of the Russia-based LockBit ransomware group as the U.S. government continues its pursuit of those involved in the group’s ...
FBI助理局長Bryan Vorndran本周在波士頓網路安全會議上披露,迄今他們手上已握有超過7,000個LockBit勒索軟體的解密金鑰,可以協助受害者取回它們的資料並重新上線,除了FBI正在聯繫已知的受害者之外,亦鼓勵任何懷疑自己受害的用戶聯繫網路犯罪投訴中心(Internet Crime Complaint Center,IC3)。
In his online life known as LockBitSupp, he is alleged to be the leader of one of the most notorious hacker ransomware groups in the world – LockBit, and in real life, his name is Dmitriy Khoroshev.
The U.S. government on Tuesday indicted and sanctioned Russia-based hacker Mikhail Matveev on accusations of running the Babuk cybercrime gang and being a “key actor in the Russian ransomware ...
LockBit first emerged in 2019, and has since become one of the most prolific ransomware gangs in the world, netting millions of dollars in ransom payments. The group has proven to be very resilient.
Days after an international coalition of law enforcement agencies outed one of the LockBit group’s senior hackers as Russian national Dmitry Yuryevich Khoroshev, the gang has shared the details of a ...