In a new opinion, the Supreme Court justice said there's an issue that shouldn't be decided by federal courts.
The US Supreme Court has overturned a lower court’s decision that found South Carolina’s congressional maps were unconstitutionally gerrymandered to discriminate against Black voters.
CT Sen. Richard Blumenthal has called on Supreme Court Justice Roberts to assign no more Trump cases to Justices Thomas and ...
In declining to step aside from two high-profile Supreme Court cases, Justice Samuel Alito has provided a rare window on the opaque process by which justices decide to recuse themselves WASHINGTON ...
WASHINGTON — Justice Samuel Alito is rejecting calls to step aside from Supreme Court cases involving former President Donald ...
Calls from Democratic lawmakers and left-wing groups for Justice Samuel Alito to recuse himself from key cases over alleged ...
Last week, a photo of an upside-down American flag flying in front of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s home went viral across the nation. Before that, questions kept arising about gifts ...
Former President Donald Trump’s favorite Supreme Court justices might not even be the three he nominated. Trump congratulated Justice Samuel Alito, who was nominated in 2005 by then-President ...
Chief Justice Roberts, this is your moment of consequence. History will either laud you for preserving America’s 221-year arc toward justice or it will align you and your Court with tyranny.
HARI SREENIVASAN: Christiane, thanks. Professor Aaron Tang, thanks so much for joining us. Recently, the New York Times had reported a story about flag being flown outside Justice Alito’s house.
During Chief Justice John Roberts’ confirmation hearing in 2005, he claimed the “primary check on the courts has always been ...
Democrats argue Alito cannot assess the breadth of “obstruction” in the statute used to charge Jan. 6 defendants because ...