"Arizona Republicans tried to turn back the clock to 1864 to impose a near-total abortion ban ... bill passed the state Senate this week after it had already cleared the Assembly. "With Governor ...
Gavin Newsom has signed a bill ... Arizona where the legislature there has rules in place that put heavy restrictions on abortion. In 2022, Arizona instituted a near-total ban on abortion after ...
THE ARIZONA LEGISLATURE RESPONDED BY REPEALING THE LAW ... Democrat from Berkeley and the bill's author, said a law was stronger than an executive order from a governor. "Once again California ...
Voters in both Colorado and South Dakota will have a say on abortion rights this fall after supporters collected enough valid signatures to put measures on the ballot, part of a national push to ...
Election officials in Nevada are reviewing signatures to see if there are enough to put an abortion rights constitutional amendment before voters in November, part of a national push to pose ...