Sen. Bob Menendez, New Jersey's senior senator who is on trial in lower Manhattan on federal corruption charges, filed ...
Sen. Bob Menendez, facing federal corruption charges, has previously said he would seek reelection in November as an ...
Sen. Bob Menendez (D-New Jersey), who is currently on trial for 16 federal corruption counts, filed to run for reelection as ...
NEW YORK (AP) — Sen. Bob Menendez went on trial in Manhattan federal court Monday, accused of accepting bribes of gold and cash to use his influence to deliver favors that would help three New Jersey ...
Rep. Rob Menendez (D-N.J.) will win the Democratic nomination for another term in his House seat representing New Jersey’s ...
U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez, a New Jersey Democrat who is on trial on federal bribery charges in New York, has filed to run as an ...
New Jersey, Montana, New Mexico, Iowa and South Dakota — are holding primaries on Tuesday. Most of the attention, however, ...
N.J., won his primary Tuesday, NBC News projects, fending off a challenger who sought to tie the congressman to his father’s ...
New Jersey Democrats on Tuesday were expected to nominate U.S. Representative Andy Kim to run for the Senate seat currently held by Bob Menendez, who is on trial on corruption charges, setting up a No ...
US Democratic Senator Robert Menendez, who is on trial for corruption in office, has registered to run for reelection as an ...
Sen. Bob Menendez, New Jersey's senior senator who is on trial in lower Manhattan on federal corruption charges, filed ...
TRENTON, N.J. (AP) - Democratic Rep. Andy Kim has won New Jersey’s Senate primary, putting him in strong position for the ...