President Biden proposed that he and former President Donald Trump face off in June and September.
Having spent months avoiding direct engagement on when and where to debate, both Donald Trump and Joe Biden seemed to agree on a time and place in a matter of minutes on Wednesday, setting up high ...
WASHINGTON — Tens of millions of dollars of advertising has not changed President Joe Biden’s polling deficit. Donald Trump’s criminal trial has not altered the race’s trajectory.
WASHINGTON − President Joe Biden and Donald Trump agreed Wednesday to debate each other twice, first in June and again in September, after a rapid back-and-forth between their campaigns and a ...
WASHINGTON — Tens of millions of dollars of advertising has not changed President Joe Biden’s polling deficit. Donald Trump’s criminal trial has not altered the race’s trajectory. And Biden’s ...
"Donald Trump lost two debates to me in 2020, and since then, he hasn't shown up for a debate. Now he's acting like he wants ...
En un sorpresivo video viral compartido este miércoles por el presidente Joe Biden, éste ha aceptado la invitación de Trump a debatir. El primero de dos debates será transmitido por CNN el ...
Washington, 15 may (Prensa Latina) El presidente de Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, y su antecesor en el caergo, Donald Trump, aceptaron hoy una invitación de la cadena CNN para debatir el 27 de junio ...
Washington (EFE).- El presidente de Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, y el expresidente y precandidato republicano a la Casa Blanca, Donald Trump, debatirán el próximo 27 de junio en un cara a cara ...
(CNN) -- El presidente Joe Biden y el expresidente Donald Trump aceptaron una invitación de CNN para debatir el 27 de junio, un enfrentamiento históricamente temprano en la contienda electoral ...
Donald Trump challenged Joe Biden to a third debate in October during a hectic back-and-forth Wednesday where the two presidential candidates hashed out their debate schedule. 'Please let this ...