Querido Leo, la Luna en tu signo te da un impulso hoy. Es el momento de tomar iniciativas y brillar con todo tu esplendor. Recuerda que cada día es una nueva oportunidad para crecer y evolucionar. No ...
Esta semana, la energía de Marte y Plutón te impulsa a alcanzar nuevas alturas. Sin embargo, entre lunes y miércoles, podrías encontrarte con desafíos inesperados. Mantén la calma y usa tu ingenio ...
Today you might have to face several tensions and difference of opinion that will make you feel irritated and uneasy. You should value time and money or else the upcoming time will be full of troubles ...
Everything is aligning for you to finally feel as if you are being treated precisely how you always knew you should be. This comes down to not only feeling seen or understood by your partner, but ...
Enterate qué dice el horóscopo de hoy para los nacidos entre el 22 de julio y el 21 de agosto en este día de la semana. Conocé las predicciones y qué le depara el horóscopo a Leo este martes ...
This is a great time to collaborate with others and understand how you work best within a team. A powerful creative spark can be ignited by working with another creative collaborator. Just be ...
Keep an eye on your weight and do not indulge in overeating. Today, some unemployed natives of this sign can get jobs, which will improve their financial condition. Your achievement will lift the ...
You don’t have to be the royal guest star of every group you’re a part of to enjoy yourself, Leo! That’s an important teaching over the next several weeks as sociable Mercury zips into ...
Gunning for the top spot? Mars’ six-week stint in Taurus highlights professional ambitions. Mind your attitude. Presentation is everything now. Be assertive, not aggressive. You know when to ...
You’re stronger when you band together with others. The moon’s mashups with abundant Jupiter and loquacious Mercury today take place in your eleventh house of humanity. The network of people ...