Leo Brent Bozell, the son and grandson ... Mr. Bozell was sentenced to just under four years in prison for having played a central role in the attack by Trump supporters on the Capitol on Jan. 6 ...
Gunning for the top spot? Mars’ six-week stint in Taurus highlights professional ambitions. Mind your attitude. Presentation is everything now. Be assertive, not aggressive. You know when to ...
Sometimes you simply need to embrace a chapter that’s all about you saying yes to life – and this is one of those times. There is no need to second guess, or take time to reflect, instead ...
Every period has a purpose, Leo. You cannot excel and do in every moment, some durations are reserved for recharging and being still. This card signifies a time of peace and cultivation of inner ...
Today you might have to face several tensions and difference of opinion that will make you feel irritated and uneasy. You should value time and money or else the upcoming time will be full of troubles ...
Keep an eye on your weight and do not indulge in overeating. Today, some unemployed natives of this sign can get jobs, which will improve their financial condition. Your achievement will lift the ...
In the summer of 2020, America was in flames as Antifa and Black Lives Matter set fire to city after city—Seattle, ...
You have something important to redirect and things could take a turn that youve been trying to achieve by simply talking to people involved. These days, passive and quiet energies are needed, those ...
You’re stronger when you band together with others. The moon’s mashups with abundant Jupiter and loquacious Mercury today take place in your eleventh house of humanity. The network of people ...
A serving Police Scotland officer has been handed a six-month community payback order for indecent communications with a child. Cameron Fraser, 28, was sentenced on Wednesday after pleading guilty ...
You don’t have to be the royal guest star of every group you’re a part of to enjoy yourself, Leo! That’s an important teaching over the next several weeks as sociable Mercury zips into ...