The planet - which has been named WASP-193b - is thought to be the second least dense planet that has ever been discovered.
Researchers have discovered a "super fluffy" exoplanet, 50 per cent larger than Jupiter and weighing only a seventh of it, ...
Astronomers have discovered an exoplanet called WASP-193b that's larger than Jupiter but incredibly light and fluffy due to ...
The rare planet called WASP-193b is said to have an extremely low density which causes its fluffy-like structure ...
A strange, fluffy planet has a group of international scientists puzzled - not only because it's larger than the gargantuan Jupiter but because it's also incredibly light. The celestial body ...
Astronomers say they have uncovered an unusual planet that’s about 50% bigger than Jupiter and somehow still the second ...
The discovery is 50% larger than Jupiter but nearly half as dense Heritage Space/Heritage Images/Getty Scientists have discovered a huge planet with the density of cotton candy and is 1,200 ...
Astronomers have discovered a planet that is as fluffy and light as cotton candy floss while being significantly larger than ...
An Earth-like planet with the potential to support human life has been discovered just 40 light-years away. Named Gliese 12 b, the planet orbits its host star every 12.8 days, and is comparable in ...