WASP-193b is 50% larger than Jupiter — the largest planet in our solar system — but seven times less massive because of it's ...
WASP-193b is 50% larger than Jupiter — the largest planet in our solar system — but seven times less massive because of it's extraordinarily low density. Researchers discovered a huge planet 1,200 ...
Astronomers have identified a new planet that's bigger than Jupiter — the largest in our solar system — yet they say it's as fluffy and light as fairy floss. The exoplanet named WASP-193b ...
Space experts have discovered a huge 'super fluffy' planet that they say is as light as candy floss. The planet - which has been named WASP-193b - is thought to be much bigger than Jupiter ...
This planet is 150 percent the size of Jupiter, but is somehow 7 times less dense, and has 1 percent the density of Earth.
由美國太空總署 NASA設置,固定會每天放上一張特色天文圖的網站「Astronomy Picture of the Day」,6月19日時分享了免費網頁遊戲「Game: Super Planet Crash」,透過模擬行星系統,讓玩家可以在不同的天體 ...