Jim Simons 曾說過一句名言:「我對任何一隻股票都沒有特別看法,電腦有它的觀點,而我們只是盲從。」 有「量化交易之父」之稱的美國數學家 Jim Simons 於 5 月 5 日在紐約市與世長辭,享壽 84 歲 。
Jim Simons, the billionaire investor, mathematician and philanthropist, died on Friday in New York City, according to his ...
Using advanced computers, he went from M.I.T. professor to multibillionaire. His Medallion fund had 66 percent average annual ...
A mathematician, he helped usher in a revolution in trading, embracing a computer-oriented, quantitative style in the 1980s.
Jim Simons, the math professor who became one of the most successful hedge fund managers in history, died on Friday at the age of 86, according to his foundation. Simons, a prolific philanthropist ...
James “Jim” Simons, a renowned mathematician who built a fortune on Wall Street and then became one of the nation’s biggest philanthropists, died May 10 at his home in Manhattan. He was 86.
Jim Simons, the billionaire investor, mathematician and philanthropist, died on Friday in New York City, according to his foundation, the Simons Foundation. Simons was 86 years old. Simons, the ...
Jim Simons 曾說過一句名言:「我對任何一隻股票都沒有特別看法,電腦有它的觀點,而我們只是盲從。」 廣告採購、授權詢問、業務相關合作:sales@inside.com.tw 非業務相關的行銷合作洽詢 ...
Renaissance Technologies was officially established in 1982 and has since become one of the most profitable hedge funds in ...
James Simons, the mathematician, hedge fund founder and philanthropist, died at 86, on Friday, May 10. The former chair of ...