Jim Simons, a prizewinning mathematician who abandoned a stellar academic career, then plunged into finance – a world he knew ...
Jim Simons, the billionaire investor, mathematician and philanthropist, died on Friday in New York City, according to his ...
James “Jim” Simons, a renowned mathematician and pioneering investor who built a fortune on Wall Street and then became one of the nation's biggest philanthropists, has died at age 86. The charitable ...
Known as the “quant king”, Simons was a pioneer of quantitative investing, which uses large amounts of market data and ...
【彭博】-- 吉姆·西蒙斯去世,享年86歲。這位數學家兼投資人在其神秘的文藝復興科技公司(Renaissance Technologies)創建了許多金融人士眼中最偉大的賺錢機器。 他名下的慈善基金會發布聲明稱他今天在紐約市去世。該聲明並未說明原因。 西蒙斯於不惑之年從學術界轉向投資界。他並未採用基金經理的標準做法,而是青睞量化分析,即在數據中尋找預測價格變化的路徑。由於這項方法取得了巨大成功,他 ...
Simons, a prolific philanthropist who has given away hundreds of millions of dollars to Stony Brook University, died in New ...
The investment community grieved on Friday when it was announced renowned mathematician and investor Jim Simons (Trades, Portfolio), the head of quantitative hedge fund Renaissance Technologies, had ...
Jim Simons, the billionaire mathematician-investor who founded quantitative hedge fund Renaissance Technologies more than ...
Jim Simons, the mathematician-investor who created what many in finance consider the world’s greatest moneymaking machine at ...
Billionaire mathematician Jim Simons, who pioneered quantitative trading, died Friday in New York City. He was at 86.
A mathematician, he helped usher in a revolution in trading, embracing a computer-oriented, quantitative style in the 1980s.