The United Nations General Assembly on Friday overwhelmingly backed a Palestinian bid to become a full UN member by recognizing it as qualified to join and recommending the UN Security Council ...
Palestinian Ambassador to the United Nations Riyad Mansour is greeted by delegates during the United Nations General Assembly after voting on a draft resolution that would recognize the ...
The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) has overwhelmingly voted to support a Palestinian bid to become a full UN member by recognising it as qualified to join and recommending the UN Security ...
THE United Nations General Assembly on Friday (May 10) backed a Palestinian bid to become a full UN member by recognising it as qualified to join and recommending the UN Security Council “reconsider ...
Palestinian Ambassador to the United Nations Riyad Mansour is greeted by delegates during the United Nations General Assembly after voting on a draft resolution that would recognize the Palestinians ...
The vote by the 193-member General Assembly was a global survey of support for the Palestinian bid to become a full UN member — a move that would effectively recognize a Palestinian state ...
The United Nations General Assembly on Friday backed a Palestinian bid to become a full UN member by recognising it as qualified to join and recommending the Security Council “reconsider the ...
General Assembly on Friday overwhelmingly backed a Palestinian bid to become a full UN member by recognizing it as qualified ...