(Reuters) -OpenAI plans to announce its artificial intelligence-powered search product on Monday, according to two sources familiar with the matter, raising the stakes in its competition with ...
May 9 (Reuters) - OpenAI plans to announce its artificial intelligence-powered search product on Monday, according to two sources familiar with the matter, raising the stakes in its competition with ...
(Updates May 9 story with company and CEO posts on X about upcoming event) By Anna Tong May 9 (Reuters) - OpenAI plans to announce its artificial intelligence-powered search product on Monday, ...
不少人都喜歡用生成式 AI 作搜尋工具,Google 也在搜尋引擎中加入 AI 功能。最近一直謠傳 OpenAI 將會推出自家搜尋產品,更有媒體指他們將會在星期一公佈,正在 Google I/O 前一天。 根據路透社 ...
OpenAI Plans to Announce Google Search Competitor on Monday, Sources Say By Anna Tong (Reuters) -OpenAI plans to announce its artificial intelligence-powered search product on Monday, according to ...
OpenAI plans to announce its artificial intelligence-powered search product on Monday, according to two sources familiar with the matter, raising the stakes in its competition with search king Google.
OpenAI plans to announce its artificial intelligence-powered search product on Monday, according to two sources familiar with the matter, raising the stakes in its competition with search king Google.