An explosive showdown between President Biden’s now-campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez and Eric Adams prompted the New ...
The New York mayor said this initiative is supported by more than 80 members of Congress; the American Business Immigration ...
Mayor Eric Adams named 13 people to a prominent city commission that could remake city government. Most are loyalists or have ties to his inner circle. By Dana Rubinstein and Emma G. Fitzsimmons ...
Following footage of the rap mogul beating his then-girlfriend Cassie Ventura in 2016 emerging, several council members are requesting Adams, 63, take back the honor. NYC Mayor Eric Adams is ...
Mayor Adams defended the pope following the pontiff’s use of a derogatory term for gay people, saying Wednesday that the leader of the Catholic Church, like him, is a target of the “word ...
Mayor Eric Adams said on Tuesday that the city’s Department of Investigation is reviewing findings by THE CITY, Guardian US and Documented that his son and a senior mayoral aide stayed in ...
Find your bookmarks in your Independent Premium section, under my profile New York City's rat-hating mayor has once again been ticketed for a rat infestation at his Brooklyn property. Mayor Eric ...
New York gave Diddy a key to the city in 2023. Footage of him assaulting his ex-girlfriend Cassie led to calls to revoke the honor. New York City Mayor Eric Adams hasn’t decided whether to ...
NEW YORK — Mayor Eric Adams’ fight with his legislative counterparts devolved Wednesday, as one of his top aides walked out of a City Council hearing without taking questions on a ...
NEW YORK (AP) — New York City’s rat-hating mayor has once again been ticketed for a rat infestation at his Brooklyn property. Mayor Eric Adams’ latest ticket was issued by a city health inspector May ...