This theory is based on the discovery of a fossilized psittacosaurus, which had scales similar to those of modern reptiles across most of its body, but feather-specific skin on its tail only, ...
'The critical transition from scaled to feathered skin is poorly understood,' researchers wrote in a paper. The earliest feathered dinosaurs may have evolved their bird-like features while still ...
Strong but light, beautiful and precisely structured, feathers are the most complex skin appendage that ever evolved in ...
A study by University College Cork reveals that the feathered dinosaur Psittacosaurus also had reptilian-like scaly skin, ...
Over the last 30 years, the fossil record has surprised scientists in regard to feather evolution. Future discoveries of ...
Studied dinosaur specimen njues-10 under natural (upper half) and UV light (lower half) showing the orange-yellow ...
The discovery of a "parrot lizard" fossil could explain how dinosaurs developed feathers. Paleontologists at University College Cork (UCC) have discovered that some feathered dinosaurs had scaly skin, ...
A fossilized dinosaur skin specimen under natural light (upper half) and ultraviolet light (lower half) showing the ...
The discovery of a "parrot lizard" fossil could explain how dinosaurs developed feathers. You must be logged in to react. Click any reaction to login.