This theory is based on the discovery of a fossilized psittacosaurus, which had scales similar to those of modern reptiles ...
'The critical transition from scaled to feathered skin is poorly understood,' researchers wrote in a paper. The earliest feathered dinosaurs may have evolved their bird-like features while still ...
Analysis of birds’ feathers could reveal which dinosaurs were capable of flight, a new study has found. Scientists have for a ...
Strong but light, beautiful and precisely structured, feathers are the most complex skin appendage that ever evolved in ...
A study by University College Cork reveals that the feathered dinosaur Psittacosaurus also had reptilian-like scaly skin, ...
A fossilized dinosaur skin specimen under natural light (upper half) and ultraviolet light (lower half) showing the ...
Paleontologists at University College Cork (UCC) in Ireland have discovered that some feathered dinosaurs had scaly skin like ...
Studied dinosaur specimen njues-10 under natural (upper half) and UV light (lower half) showing the orange-yellow ...
Over the last 30 years, the fossil record has surprised scientists in regard to feather evolution. Future discoveries of ...
(CNN) — Were dinosaurs warm-blooded like birds and mammals or cold-blooded like reptiles? It’s one of paleontology’s oldest questions, and gleaning the answer matters because it illuminates ...
In the Stellosphere's hangar, Miles and M.E.R.C. tell Phoebe that the Callistos are ready to race against Loretta's robotic Terra Skiff, which was coded by Loretta, who also programmed it to go fast.