【彭博】-- 聯儲會副主席Philip Jefferson表示,持有不同觀點的官員發出的信息可能會導致公眾對政策走向感到困惑。 「決策者觀點的多樣性有助於 ...
美國聯準會 (Fed) 副主席傑佛森 (Philip Jefferson) 周二 (16 日) 表示,他預估通膨將持續溫和而且利率也將維持在當前水準,持續的物價壓力將讓借貸成本 ...
Federal Reserve vice chair Philip Jefferson on Monday became the latest central bank official to call for holding interest rates at current levels until inflation shows more signs of cooling.
Fed第二把交椅:在通膨明顯下降前 維持利率穩定(圖:REUTERS/TPG) 聯準會理事傑佛森 (Philip Jefferson) 週一 (13 日) 表示,在通膨明顯下降前,支持維持 ...
(Bloomberg) -- Federal Reserve Vice Chair Philip Jefferson said it’s appropriate to keep interest rates steady until there is additional evidence that inflation will return to the central bank ...
Federal Reserve Governor Philip Jefferson said Monday that it's appropriate for the U.S. central bank to hold interest rates in the current restrictive range, as the lack of progress on ...
【彭博】-- 知情人士透露,白宮考慮提名聯儲會理事Philip Jefferson為副主席,並提名一位拉美裔候選人填補理事空缺。 這個策略並非白宮的最初方案 ...
Two Federal Reserve governors reiterated Monday they see holding rates at current levels until there is more evidence inflation is falling, the latest central bank officials to stress a ...
Federal Reserve vice chair Philip Jefferson on Monday became the latest central bank official to call for holding interest rates at current levels until inflation shows more signs of cooling. "We ...
【財訊快報/劉敏夫】紐約匯市美元兌換一籃子主要貨幣週二走升,連續第二個交易日上揚,因聯準會官員接連發表鷹派言論 ...
美國通膨雖然降溫但仍需觀察 多名Fed官員透露降息還早(圖:REUTERS/TPG) 美國聯準會 (Fed) 多名官員周一 (20 日) 陸續發表談話,其中 Fed 二把手傑佛森 ...
A look at the day ahead in European and global markets from Tom Westbrook Copper and gold made record highs in Asia trade on Monday and silver surged over $30. The breakout gains were all the more ...