We owned up to it, we investigated it, and we tried to learn from it to make changes,” the White House spokesman said.
Declaring that the government of Sri Lanka, while combating ‘Tamil Organizations’ which were fighting for a Tamil Homeland in the North-East, committed genocide against the Tamil people, a resolution ...
A third of aid arriving from the US-constructed humanitarian bridge in Gaza is not getting to civilians, Pentagon officials admit. White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan told ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House on Tuesday condemned the loss of life of dozens of civilians as a result of an Israeli airstrike in Rafah, but said it is not planning any policy changes as a ...
"The 'Gaza pier' is an incredibly stupid idea by Biden and more Americans will get injured or killed," wrote Sen. Eric ...
A Utah squatter murdered a teenage farmhand after a disagreement over where he parked his truck before burying his body, a court heard. James Brenner, 61, pleaded guilty to the murder of Dylan ...
A U.S. Army officer assigned to the Defense Intelligence Agency resigned from his position in protest over the United States' support of Israel in its war against Hamas in Gaza. The Army confirmed ...
Jonathan Kaye, 52, is seen throwing a vicious overhand right at the unnamed woman in Brooklyn - where he also lives in a four bedroom townhouse in pricey Park Slope, valued at just over $4million. He ...
The stories that matter on money and politics in the race for the White House The US air force has begun flying in civilian contractors and equipment to the Haitian capital in hopes that a long ...
A Northern California woman has pleaded guilty to kidnapping, poisoning and killing her young daughter, the Shasta County District Attorney's Office said in a press release. On Jan. 5, 2023 ...