Published: Wed, 22 May 2024 23:44:31 GMT La conversación sobre la ...
The conversation about normalization between Israel and Saudi Arabia is complicated as it would have to involve the pathway ...
El secretario de Estado estadounidense, Antony Blinken, volvió a elogiar hoy en Israel la última propuesta para una tregua en Gaza que sigue estudiando el grupo islamista palestino Hamás ...
Secretary of State Antony Blinken and other officials in the State Department met with Arab American leaders to discuss ...
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Wednesday said the United States and Saudi Arabia were very close to c ...
Jerusalén, 2 may (EFE).- El secretario de Estado de Estados Unidos, Antony Blinken, advirtió al primer ministro israelí, Benjamín Netanyahu, este miércoles en Jerusalén de que una invasión ...
El secretario de Estado de Estados Unidos, Antony Blinken, abordó este domingo el retraso en los envíos de armas a Israel, así como un informe publicado el fin de semana por el Departamento de ...
The Israeli prime minister Benjamin is out-polling main rival Benny Gantz for the first time since the war against Hamas ...
"The Saudis have been very clear that [normalization] would require calm in Gaza, and it would require a credible pathway to a Palestinian state," Blinken stated ...
His comments came a day after ICC Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan announced plans to seek arrest warrants for Israeli Prime ...
Israeli war cabinet minister Benny Gantz demanded on Saturday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu commit to an agreed ...
Machiavellian behaviour patterns of Benjamin Netanyahu suggest egocentricity also indicating psychopathic personality ...