Greene seems to be the only Republican who's still talking about how much she hates Johnson. Others are moving on, for now.
Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene appeared on Tuesday to be backing off her threat to force a vote to oust Speaker Mike ...
Well, that didn’t take long. Far-right Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s long-delayed drive to unseat House Speaker Mike Johnson was emphatically defeated Wednesday moments after she introduced it ...
Marjorie Taylor Greene has dangled the possibility of forcing a vote to oust House Speaker Mike Johnson, and has been leading ...
Marjorie Taylor Greene said on Tuesday the outcome of her call to oust Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is now in his hands. This development comes after the speaker, Ms Greene and her ally ...
Marjorie Taylor Greene forced a vote to remove House Speaker Mike Johnson on Wednesday evening, a move her colleagues in Congress quickly voted to kill. The House voted 359-43 to table the motion ...
Johnson quipped that he spends half of his time as a 'mental health counselor' trying to assuage the concerns of his ...
Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and some other members of the GOP conference require him to spend "half" his day acting as a ...
The House of Representatives killed Marjorie Taylor Greene’s bid to remove Speaker Mike Johnson just minutes after she introduced the motion on Wednesday. Ms Greene’s coterie seemed excited as ...
La Cámara de Representantes votó rápidamente el miércoles para anular la resolución de la representante republicana Marjorie Taylor Greene de destituir al presidente de la Cámara Mike ...
La Cámara de Representantes de Estados Unidos rechazó por abrumadora mayoría el intento de la congresista Marjorie Taylor Greene de destituir a su colega republicano Mike Johnson como ...
Washington (EFE).- La congresista de extrema derecha Marjorie Taylor Greene, cercana al expresidente republicano Donald Trump (2017-2021), intentó sin éxito destituir a su jefe y compañero de ...