A 4.1-magnitude earthquake hit the area of Corona Wednesday afternoon, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The quake was felt across a wide area, reaching into West Los Angeles, Long Beach ...
[周刊王CTWANT] 自花蓮4月3日發生規模7.2強震後,至今1個月仍餘震不斷,今(13日)下午南投發生規模4.1地震,深度21.6公里,屬於極淺層地震,全台8縣 ...
A magnitude-4.1 earthquake struck at 5:17 a.m. Monday south of the Salton Sea, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The earthquake was reported around 11 miles southeast of Ocotillo Wells with ...
At 07:57 this morning, an earthquake measuring 4.1 on the Richter scale rattled the region near Mytilene, according to reports from the Geodynamic Institute of the National Observatory of Athens. The ...
地牛翻身!根據中央氣象署地震測報中心資料,今(17)日上午11時49分花蓮縣近海發生芮氏規模4.7的小區域地震,震央在花蓮縣政府南南東方7.1公里 ...
The earthquake hit just before 10 a.m. about two miles southwest of South Pasadena, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
MANILA, Philippines — A magnitude-4.1 earthquake struck the waters of Divilacan, Isabela, on Wednesday evening, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) said. It was ...
美國4月整體消費者物價指數(CPI)月升0.3%,年升3.4%,增幅都比3月小,核心CPI年增幅更創三年新低,顯示通膨下滑趨勢在第1 ...
Nokia 3.4 配置 6.39 吋 1,560 x 720pixels 解析度 HD+「挖孔」螢幕,採用 19.5:9 顯示比例,支援 70% NTSC 色域、400nits 螢幕亮度,搭配窄邊框讓視野更遼闊,提供沉浸式的視覺體驗。 北歐工藝設計 Nokia 3.4 ...
今年除了會有 iPhone 16 新機外,更有眾多消息證實蘋果準備推出 iPhone SE(第4代)新機,還有模具、設計圖、保護貼配件與 iPhone SE4 詳細規格清單都提前流出,更進一步證實蘋果將全面推出新一代 ...