Enteric bacteria associated with bloodstream infections are attracted to human serum through L-serine and the chemoreceptor Tsr, and in an enterohemorrhagic lesion model use chemotaxis to invade ...
Glenn et al. present solid evidence that both lab and clinical Salmonella enterica serovars rapidly migrate towards human serum using an exciting approach that combines microfluidics, structural ...
Some of the world's deadliest bacteria seek out and feed on human blood, a newly-discovered phenomenon researchers are calling "bacterial vampirism." A team led by Washington State University ...
Some of the world’s deadliest bacteria seek out and feed on human blood, a newly-discovered phenomenon researchers are calling “bacterial vampirism.” A team led by Washington State University ...
Bacterial canker is a disease caused by two closely related bacteria that infect the stems and leaves of plums, cherries and related Prunus species. Cankers begin to form in mid-spring and soon ...
Bacterial evolution is the process of heritable change in populations of bacteria over multiple generations. It occurs through mechanisms including natural selection and genetic drift, and can ...
Bacterial nanowires can conduct electricity and can potentially be used to devise sensing systems. Researchers at the University of New South Wales in Australia have successfully engineered protein ...
Meningitis is an infection of the membranes (meninges) that protect the spinal cord and brain. When the membranes become infected, they swell and press on the spinal cord or brain. This can cause life ...
Erythrasma A bacterial skin infection of the top layers of skin, more common in the tropics. This is caused by Corynebacterium minutissimum bacteria. This condition mainly affects obese adults and ...
Beginning Jan. 2014, Texas state law (SB 62) mandates that all entering students under the age of 22 provide a certificate signed by a health care provider or an official immunization record verifying ...