Over the course of millions of years, helped along by a dino-killing asteroid, geologic pockmarks known as cenotes and blue holes fill the Yucatan peninsula, providing an oasis for animal life.
Researchers have identified what might be the "world's deepest blue hole," extending so deeply that its bottom remains unexplored. Representational/ X@Astrumheli A ground-breaking discovery has sent ...
Over the course of millions of years, helped along by a dino-killing asteroid, geologic pockmarks known as cenotes and blue holes fill the Yucatan peninsula, providing an oasis for animal life. In ...
The Taam Ja’ Blue Hole (Agujero azul Taam Ja) in Chetumal Bay, situated at the border of the Mexican state of Quintana Roo and Belize, to the south, has been determined to be much deeper than ...
The "Taam Ja' Blue Hole," located in Chetumal Bay in Mexico, is now recognized as the deepest underwater blue hole ever identified with a recorded depth of at least 1,378 feet (420 meters) below sea ...
A bottomless pit? For now, it appears that way. A team of oceanographers from several Mexican institutions say the Taam Ja' Blue Hole (TJBH) is the deepest in the world. It's located in Chetumal ...
Only 5% of our oceans have been explored, so clearly there's a lot we don't know about what goes on in the deep. Sometimes discoveries are made that are later found to be entirely wrong.
In the region of Southeast Asia, one of the most underrated tourist destinations to visit is Laos. Fun fact: this small ...
How deep is Kola Borehole, world’s deepest man-made hole? In contrast, the Soviets started their own ambitious project in 1970, drilling into the Earth in Murmansk, Russia, near the Barents Sea.
This is another one for the cave nuts, though there is no footage of men squeezing their way through tight spaces in this one. Instead, a GoPro has been chucked down what is known as the 'deepest ...