Apple to introduce major changes to System Settings app in macOS 15 update, including renaming 'Apple ID' to 'Apple Account', ...
Apple is tipped to reveal a revamped Siri‌ in June that uses generative AI to "chat" with users instead of just responding to ...
Apple’s top software executives decided early last year that Siri, the company’s virtual assistant, needed a brain transplant. The decision came after executives Craig Federighi and John ...
WWDC 2024 is just around the corner. While macOS Sonoma was quite a disappointing update, it seems Apple will give macOS 15 a ...
Introduced in 2011 as the original virtual assistant in every iPhone, Siri had been limited for years to individual requests and had never been able to follow a conversation. It often misunderstood ...
Apple is set for an overhaul of its virtual assistant, Siri, as it faces increasing challenges from advanced AI technologies ...
Apple’s top software executives decided early last year that Siri, the company’s virtual assistant, needed a brain transplant. The decision came after executives Craig Federighi and John Giannandrea ...
Siri will soon receive a new brain based on OpenAI's ChatGPT. But there's a lot more to come. Apple has been tardy in ...