Major League Baseball uniforms will have larger lettering on the back of jerseys and individual pant customization will be available to all players beginning in 2025, MLB and Nike announced Friday.
美國職棒 大聯盟(MLB)比賽球衣的負面批評不斷,聯盟今天與廠商NIKE共同聲明,承諾改善字體、顏色、合身度等多項問題。 大聯盟今年開季以來 ...
大聯盟今天與官方球衣廠商NIKE今天共同聲明,經過和球員、球團以及裝備主管的溝通之後,將會改善30支球隊的制服問題。 大聯盟主席曼佛瑞德 ...
Major League Baseball uniforms will have larger lettering on the back of jerseys and individual pant customization will be available to all players beginning in 2025, MLB and Nike announced Friday.
Uniforms designed by Nike and manufactured by Fanatics have been criticized by players for pants that are somewhat see through and for lettering, sleeve emblems and numbering that are less bulky ...
Major League Baseball and NIKE, Inc., the Official Uniform Supplier of MLB, announced today that adjustments will be made to all Club uniforms following conversations with players, Clubs, and their ...
Major League Baseball and NIKE, Inc., the official uniform supplier of MLB, announced Friday that adjustments will be made to all club uniforms following conversations with players, clubs, and their ...
Following negative feedback from players regarding uniforms, Major League Baseball announced Friday that adjustments will be made in time for the 2025 season. Alleged issues with the new uniforms ...