The EU on Thursday opened a formal investigation into Facebook and Instagram on suspicion the platforms owned by Meta are causing addictive behaviour in children. The probe is under a mammoth law ...
Ngày 16/5, Uỷ ban châu Âu thông báo mở cuộc điều tra nhằm vào nền tảng Facebook và Instagram của gã khổng lồ mạng xã hội Meta, với cáo buộc gây nghiện tiềm ẩn ở trẻ em. Quyết định của cơ quan ...
The EU on Thursday opened a formal investigation into Facebook and Instagram on suspicion the platforms owned by Meta are causing addictive behavior in children. The probe is under a mammoth law known ...
A blue verification badge and the logos of Facebook and Instagram are seen in this picture illustration taken Jan 19, 2023. [Photo/Agencies] BRUSSELS -- The European Commission on Thursday ...
The probe is under a mammoth law known as the Digital Services Act (DSA) that forces the world's largest tech firms to do more to protect European users online and clamp down on illegal content.
A blue verification badge and the logos of Facebook and Instagram are seen in this picture illustration taken Jan 19, 2023. [Photo/Agencies] BRUSSELS -- The European Commission on Thursday launched ...
BRUSSELS, May 16 (Xinhua) -- The European Commission on Thursday launched formal proceedings against American tech giant Meta's Facebook and Instagram, over concerns about child safety. "The ...
Although the EU has given TikTok until April 24 to argue against the measure -- meaning the app remains accessible for now. TechCrunch Shein to face EU's strictest rules for online marketplaces ...