Biden has three preferred topics, according to a campaign memo viewed by Reuters: abortion rights, the state of democracy and ...
Scandals have swirled around former President Donald Trump since his first presidential campaign in 2016. But as of Thursday ...
CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten discussed how recent polling numbers put President Biden as the weakest presidential ...
The overall numbers from Thursday’s poll show that the presidential race remains close, with Biden at 50% among registered ...
Most Americans say they will likely tune in to the first presidential debate next month, according to a survey released ...
Robert F. Kennedy Jr filed a complaint with the FEC this week, alleging that CNN has illegally colluded with the Trump and ...
Donald Trump holds a substantial lead over Joe Biden among independent voters ahead of the presidential election in November, according to a new poll. The NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist National survey of ...
Robert F Kennedy Jr’s campaign announced Friday that Kennedy has cleared 3 of 4 polls he needs to be at 15% in order to ...
We are less than a month from the June 27 CNN debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.
CNN said to qualify for the June debate, a candidate's name must appear on a sufficient number of state ballots to reach the ...
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has complained to the US election campaigns watchdog that cable news network CNN colluded with President Joe Biden and Donald Trump ...
Despite an unprecedented felony conviction, former President Donald Trump will barrel ahead with his effort to oust President ...