It’s tick season once again in Colorado, and experts say it’s best to plan ahead when outdoors to keep them off both you and ...
Sharon, Massachusetts, reports its first case of the tick-borne Powassan virus, with ten cases in the state this year.
The virus can cause encephalitis, a potentially fatal swelling of the brain, or meningitis, inflammation of the membranes ...
SHARON - A rare tick-borne disease has been reported in Massachusetts. The town of Sharon recently confirmed a case of the ...
The Sharon Health Department confirmed a human case of Powassan virus was found in the town. The virus is transmitted through ...
Long Island is one of the epicenters for Lyme disease. Education and prevention are keys to avoiding tick bites and ...
For the first time, a confirmed case of Powassan virus has been reported in Sharon and public health officials are warning ...
Unless you look for ticks, you may not know the tiny creatures have made a home on your body, biting you and feeding on your blood.
Ticks are crawling into the minds of residents as the weather gets warmer. Dr. David Torr with the Saskatchewan Health Authority took some time to sit down with WestCentralOnline to discuss the facts ...
Although the disease is rare, the number of reported cases of people sick from the virus has increased in recent years, the ...