When a vehicle tips on its side or roof during a crash, it's known as a rollover. Depending on the force of the crash, a vehicle may roll just once, or it may roll multiple times before coming to a ...
Your car insurance may cover fire damage to your vehicle depending on what caused the fire and the coverages you carry. Generally, you'll need comprehensive and collision coverage to cover any ...
Some of the most impactful ways to lower your car insurance include qualifying for multiple discounts, avoiding accidents, and changing your coverage. Comparing rates, trying usage-based insurance, ...
A boat insurance policy for a nonmotorized boat will be written and priced specifically for the type of watercraft you have. Be sure to ask your boat insurer if they offer coverage for nonmotorized ...
The tropical climate of Florida is a popular retirement location, a tourist destination, and home to amazing theme parks, resorts, and some of the most beautiful flora and fauna you'll find in America ...
What's included in an insurance declarations page? The insurance policy declarations page, also known as a "dec page," is the first page (or pages) of your auto or homeowners insurance policy. While ...
The average premium for a 12-month RV insurance policy at Progressive for 2022 was $573 for a travel trailer and $958 for a motorhome. Liability-only RV policies at Progressive start at just $125 per ...
When one of your covered systems or appliances breaks, you'll file a claim and your home warranty will send a pre-screened technician to diagnose the issue. As long as it's a covered failure, your ...
How does homeowners insurance cover animal damage? Wildlife damage may be covered under your home insurance policy's dwelling coverage and "other structures" coverage. Dwelling coverage protects your ...
A flood damaged car comes with a variety of problems, including foul odors, rust, odd noises, engine smoke, and electronic damage. If you are shopping for a used car, a vehicle history report will ...
When buying a car at a dealer, you'll need to sign the car purchase agreement (or dealer bill of sale), the title, an odometer statement, and sometimes a damage disclosure statement. Be sure to get ...
Your personal liability coverage may include civil lawsuits, but the lawsuit must be related to a covered claim. For example, suppose a guest slips and falls on your ice-covered walkway and decides to ...