Hedgehog pathway signaling inhibitor ENV-101 blocks signals that can lead to lung fibrosis and scarring and may lead to ...
Instead of the current three categories used in UTI diagnosis, a new study proposed and tested an expanded approach with five ...
Most low-field scanners in development are for brain scans only. In 2022, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cleared ...
The data suggest that the pandemic has disproportionately affected pregnant women and postpartum women, according to the ...
Severe maternal morbidity was associated with an increased risk for hospitalization or emergency room visits for mental ...
Already approved for ulcerative colitis, the monoclonal antibody mirikizumab met study endpoints for Crohn's disease response ...
Patients with early-stage HER2+ breast cancer could soon be offered less intensive treatment based on the results of a ...
More research is "needed to elucidate the unique features of elderly AD in pathophysiology and optimal treatments," the study authors wrote.
The addictive behavior underlying many cases of ALD often goes unaddressed. Experts offer their advice on how ...