Botrytis poses a threat to strawberry crops, especially during ripening, and fungicide-resistant strains are emerging.
Dr. Kaitlyn Lutz helps farmers manage multicultural, bilingual staffs. In this column, she explains how different aspects of ...
Despite minimal formal education, Rose Murren's farming prowess and innovations propelled her family's farm to success, ...
Running a farm while raising children is no easy task. Here are five keys to multitasking parenting and farming.
Tammy Emert's family is sharing their passion for homesteading through their multi-colored "Cool Bus," a mobile learning ...
Dr. Kaitlyn Lutz helps farms navigate bilingual management of multicultural staffs. But regardless of the language, the same ...
Daren Statler's sentimental attachment to Charolais cattle stems from family tradition, but also from the breed's meaty ...
The time has come for the four farmers of "Farmer Wants a Wife" to pick their final lucky lady. The Season 2 finale aired ...
Pennsylvania is offering $1.5 million more than it did the previous fiscal year for conservation research aimed at helping ...
Royal Oaks Farm started as a garden for Liz Ziegler's three kids to sell roadside flowers. It is now a full bloom u-pick ...
A new law signed by Gov. Josh Shapiro gives the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture authority to require posting notice of ...
Let's look at scriptures that speak to us about the women who were saved by Jesus and who faithfully followed him.