Bioluminescence first evolved in animals at least 540 million years ago in a group of marine invertebrates called octocorals, ...
The day a male spear squid hatches determines which mating tactic he will use throughout his life, according to new research.
Post-mitotic neurons in the brain that re-enter the cell cycle quickly succumb to senescence, and this re-entry is more ...
A rapidly spreading virus threatens the health of the cacao tree and the dried seeds from which chocolate is made, ...
Ireland, have solved a hundred-year-old mystery of how some fossil frogs preserve their fleshy parts – it’s all down to their ...
Dry Eye Disease (DED) is one of the more common eye diseases, affecting up to 30% of the world’s population. This disease can ...
In Applied Physics Letters, researchers use laser treatments to transform ordinary cork into a powerful tool for treating oil ...
Powerful monsoon winds, strengthened by a warming climate, are lofting unexpectedly large quantities of ozone-depleting substances high into the atmosphere over East Asia, according to new research.
A magnificent coral Iridogorgia magnispiralis, a deep-sea octocorals that are known to be bioluminescent. Researchers now know the common ancestor of all octocorals likely already had the ability to ...
The bamboo octocoral Isidella sp. displaying bioluminescence in the Bahamas in 2009. Bioluminescence first evolved in animals at least 540 million years ago in a group of marine invertebrates called ...
A diversity of bamboo corals and golden corals in the central Pacific Ocean, deep-sea octocorals that are known to be bioluminescent. With thousands of living representatives and relatively high ...
Researchers have described the optimal timing for COVID-19 patients to take the antiviral, Paxlovid, to get the most benefit from the treatment, according to a study published April 16 in eLife.