The Forest Service is considering a land exchange that would end the possibility of molybdenum mining on Mount Emmons, a ...
The Clean Power Plan never went into effect after the Supreme Court stayed the rule in 2016 and the Trump administration ...
The state is seeking to block a ruling that handed Florida's wetlands program back to the Army Corps of Engineers.
Two attempts to sink the first major offshore wind project in the country over its impact to an endangered whale were shot ...
Adelle Thomas will lead the environmental group’s effort to “build a world-leading climate adaptation practice,” the ...
The suit says a forest restoration project in Utah goes beyond what's allowed, but the agency says the work will help the ...
Scientific understanding and the air pollution challenges facing humanity have both changed enormously,” Lianne Sheppard said ...
The relationship between the United States and China has been particularly contentious around the critical minerals needed ...
The agency rejected options that would have yielded steeper emissions cuts and applied the rule to a larger fleet of ...
The FAA is required to adopt the EPA standards under the Clean Air Act and doesn’t have authority to alter the EPA rules, ...
Pressured by a missed-deadline lawsuit filed by an environmental advocacy group, the federal agency committed to making a ...
The green schools summit comes on the final day of the Biden White House’s week of events to commemorate Earth Day. The ...