Scientists have used cutting-edge computer simulations to unravel the mysteries of Earth's earliest animal ecosystems.
Plant roots serve as the vital "mouths" through which they absorb water and nutrients, anchor themselves, and grow.
Bleaching has affected nearly two-thirds of the world’s coral reefs due to significant heat stress in just the past year.
Biological laws are like the fundamental truths of the living world. They describe stability or instability patterns and ...
Dogs have a remarkable ability to imitate human actions, a skill that's deeply rooted in their history of domestication.
MIT students discovered three ancient stars in the Milky Way's halo, revealing insights into our galaxy's formation and ...
Researchers argue AI and social media distract from climate issues, foster hopelessness, and reduce creative problem-solving.
World Bee Day 2024 focuses on the theme “Bee engaged with Youth,” emphasizing the involvement of young people in pollinator ...
Researchers studied music and speech in 55 languages. They discovered that songs were slower and more stable in pitch than ...
Microplastics in the ocean are well-documented hazards, posing direct threats to marine life such as turtles and fish.
Arctic phytoplankton are microscopic algae that form the foundation of the Arctic marine food web. These tiny organisms ...
The expansive journey of a young whale across the Mediterranean Sea highlights the multitude of threats marine creatures face ...