"My 2 year old calls his sippy cup his 'bob,'" wrote Kayla smalltown mama. "My 3 year old calls me Mominy," wrote S. "Mine ...
As a parent, you can't always count on your older kid to help out with their younger sibling—after all, they're only kids ...
As Us Weekly reported, Bieber posted a photo of a pickle with egg salad on top, writing over the image: “Currently my biggest ...
It can be hard on the whole family when a parent has to travel for work, especially if they're a frequent flier. That's why ...
After her daughter was tragically stillborn earlier this spring, actress Alexa PenaVega shared an update with fans on her ...
Celebrities...they're just like us! When their kids celebrate major milestones, they snap pics and post them to social media ...
Plus, kids are just naturally drawn to loud, moving objects—it's all fun sensory input. 'They see the lights on the cars, the ...
You might think that a kid growing up with a famous actor for a parent would be so used to being around celebrities that they ...
"It doesn’t get much more exciting than a dolphin. Your child will be able to ‘shake their fin’ and receive a peck on the ...