A team led by Chen Xianhui and Professor Xiang Ziji from the CAS Key Laboratory of Strongly-Coupled Quantum Matter Physics ...
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, which continually monitors the Sun, captured images of two powerful X-class solar flares.
MIT CSAIL researchers have developed a new “consensus game” that elevates AI’s text comprehension and generation skills.
How did sabre-toothed tigers acquire their long upper canine teeth? In a groundbreaking study, an international team of ...
Researchers from Binghamton University discovered that spider silk responds uniquely to the velocity of air particles in a ...
Scientists have discovered that the way cancer cells die from chemotherapy appears to be different than previously understood ...
Being distracted while engaging in enjoyable activities such as eating can reduce satisfaction, leading to overcompensation, ...
NASA's Juno mission captured detailed images of Jupiter during its 59th close flyby, revealing the planet's colorful belts, ...
Researchers at Linköping University in Sweden have developed a battery constructed from zinc and lignin that can be recharged ...
New research identifies unique factors in elderly individuals at risk for Alzheimer's, paving the way for tailored ...
Recent genomic research suggests that baobabs originated in Madagascar and later dispersed to Africa and Australia. Factors ...
Bee and butterfly populations are declining in North America due to environmental changes. A study highlights regional trends ...