A poorly framed article on people who believe that COVID-19 vaccines injured them is being trumpeted by antivaxxerst. Where ...
This feeling of betrayal and abandonment from her liberal community is a frequent theme of Ms. Sey’s and a part of her origin ...
Perhaps if sheltered doctors cared more about health inequities, they wouldn't have treated a dangerous virus as nothing more than topic for an abstract, salon-style debate.
If you read enough supplement advertisements, you’ll often see the purity of a product often cited as one of its merits. It’s usually some phrase like: Contains no binders! No fillers! No colors! No ...
At SBM, we’ve long argued that chelation therapy for heart disease is quackery. An abstract presented recently finally confirmed that. Why did it take so long? So basically, the NIH spent $67 million ...
Kava is an herbal supplement used mainly for its calming psychoactive effects. It is a traditional drink in Oceania that has been used for centuries. It has also been linked to liver toxicity and ...
Remember back in 1997, the Pokemon seizure episode? Hundreds of children reported symptoms, including seizures, after ...